题目:Government purchases and real interest rates
作者:Mankiw N. Gregory
文献出处:Journal of Political Economy. 1987, 95(2): 407-419.
内容摘要:This paper examines the dynamic impact of government purchases in a simple general equilibrium model with both durable and non-durable consumer goods as well as productive capital. The model generates perhaps surprising results. In particular, increases in government purchases are shown to cause reductions in real interest rates. The model thus provides a possible explanation for the observed behavior of real interest rates around wars.
在众所周知的lS-LM模型中,政府购买经常与实质利率呈現正相关;然而,正相关的理论预测卻与战争期间的美国资料相左,这给了世界知名的宏观经济学者曼昆(Mankiw)教授一个如何提出理论模型来吻合当时美国资料所示的研究动机。曼昆将耐久财(Durable Goods)引入一个标準的Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans模型,他发现到耐久财可能扮演让"政府购买与实质利率呈现负相关"的关键角色。曼昆的发现不仅为如何吻合实际资料提供了兼具创意、巧思与简洁的思路示笵,也值得广大的后学们重温或许只应天上有的此文。